Music education is basic to the curriculum, and therefore, is essential to the education of the total student. The music program encourages a positive self-image and a positive attitude towards music as an art form. Music education seeks to develop every student's awareness of the impact of music on his/her daily life. The music program provides a means with which each student's cultural heritage can be explored. The music curriculum is designed to encourage active participation through sequential musical experiences based on the elements of music. These enjoyable and meaningful experiences promote the individual's musical growth through performance, creativity, interpretation, listening, and critical thinking.
The student will: 1.Gain an appreciation for music as an art form. 2.Explore how music can enhance the quality of life. 3.Obtain an outlet for emotional release and an opportunity for creative expression. 4.Develop self-discipline through demanding and rewarding musical experiences. 5.Gain a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction through personal effort. 6.Experience a spirit of cooperation through group participation. 7.Discover and develop his/her true musical talent. 8.Make wiser use of leisure time through active participation in music. 9.Derive knowledge and understanding from the relationship of music to other subject areas and, in particular, a better understanding of America and other nations and peoples. 10.Gain a knowledge and understanding of career opportunities in music
INTRODUCTION The purpose of this handbook is to acquaint and inform all parents and students in the instrumental music program features, policies, rules, and regulations of our organization. Members are required to follow the policies, rules, and regulations of the Roanoke County Public Schools, Cave Spring High School and the instrumental music programs. School rules and policies are in force at all times that a member is directly or indirectly involved in any activity sponsored by or in the name of the Roanoke County Public Schools, Cave Spring High School and the instrumental music programs. School policy shall have priority over instrumental music policy in the event of any policy conflict. As a member of the Cave Spring Instrumental Music Program you are part of one of the schools largest, most respected and important organizations. As with any fine organization, the success of the program depends on the pride, loyalty, and cooperation of all its members. The instrumental music director shall have authority to suspend or amend any instrumental music policy at any time deemed necessary in the best interest of the overall band program. With an emphasis on fundamental teaching and a demand for excellence, the Cave Spring High School Instrumental Music Program has established itself as one of superior quality.
PHILOSOPHY Music is a basic part of all civilized cultures. The Instrumental Music Department at Cave Spring High School offers the opportunity for students to gain a lifelong skill and develop a sense of responsibility to themselves and the organization. Experiences with music develop a student’s ability to make value judgments, to function logically as well as intuitively, and to utilize one’s innate creativity. Students will acquire a better understanding of commitment, leadership, and the mental discipline required for public performances. The director’s responsibility is to prepare and instruct students in music making and preparation. By offering suggestions as well as assignments to encourage and motivate proper music making and in the long run, experience better opportunities by preparing at home and with the music ensembles, the study of music presents lifelong skills that will be used well beyond the classroom.
COMMUNICATION The best way to keep up-to-date with the latest news from the Cave Spring High School Instrumental Music Program is by visiting our website. The website is updated often with the official calendar, new information, forms, procedures, maps to festivals, and email contacts.
We also send out emails/information through either Synergy or through BAND APP, an application service for important news and reminders.
WELCOME FROM THE CAVE SPRING HIGH SCHOOL BAND BOOSTERS! All parents of students in band at Cave Spring High School are eligible to become active members of the Cave Spring High School Band Boosters. Meetings are held the third Wednesdays of every month at 6:30 p.m. at CSHS. We welcome your attendance and participation and would like you to take part in your students’ instrumental music experience. The Boosters help the instrumental music director with fundraising, apparel, uniforms, food and drink, band camp, color guard, football games, marching competitions, and chaperoning trips, to mention just a few. We always need extra help and Committee Chairpersons.
Our Parent Volunteer Form is a great communication tool to let us know how you would like to help. Please complete the form and return it to your child’s school and we’ll give you a call or email you, whichever you prefer.
Dear Parents and Students:
Congratulations on becoming a member of the 2023-2024 Cave Spring High School Band program. The commitment of the individual members of any organization is vital to its success. The Cave Spring High School music program has a commitment to each member to insure the success of every student maximizing their potential as a musician and individual. Our goal is to maintain a music program of the highest quality. The cornerstone of our program is discipline and excellence, and is fostered through our student leadership, positive attitude, and determination. Your commitment to excellence is crucial to our success.
We hope this year proves to be even more successful as we build our program not only for today, but for the future. You and your family will need to become familiar with the information contained in the following pages. This information will guide you in your journey to becoming a positive contributor to our music program.
We are looking forward to an incredible year! Please take the time to read this handbook and keep it on hand for reference. Members of the instrumental music program have the responsibility to abide by the rules in the classroom, during concerts, and during all instrumental music related activities. This handbook may not answer all of your questions, therefore, feel free to contact me. I will be happy to meet with parents outside of class time. As your child’s teacher I can only do so much. You, the parent, can make a crucial difference by supporting the efforts of the school staff. This applies not just in music, but in all of the academic areas as well.
Reiterate the importance of teamwork, responsibilities, self-discipline, and manners.
Have your student at all performances on time, which has never been an issue.
I believe all parents want their children to be successful. I can assure you my goal as instrumental music director is to help each student be the best that he/she can be whatever the endeavor. Instrumental music not only teaches music, but also instills life skills to enable each student to grow into a responsible adult. Please feel free to visit rehearsals at any time. You need not make an appointment. Your student will find daily rehearsal information written on the board in the band room. Students are reminded daily about rehearsals and performances and they are also included on the band website calendar. I am proud of the tradition of excellence that has been established and look forward to a great year with the Cave Spring High School Instrumental Music program. Be sure to check our website for updates and schedule changes:
Please consider joining our fabulous Band Boosters organization. They meet the third Wednesdays of each month at 6:30 p.m. at CSHS. This organization of parent volunteers help with all aspects of our program. Without this group the Instrumental Music Program would not be what it is today. You will find more information about the Cave Spring High School Music Boosters in this handbook.
On the last page is a place for both parent and student to sign acknowledging that you have read the material, understand its contents, and agree to follow the guidelines. Your cooperation will result in a truly rewarding experience in instrumental music. Thank you in advance for your efforts. Sincerely,
Brian Quakenbush Band Director
Brian Quakenbush – Phone Number 772-7550 Ext. 20043 (CSHS) [email protected] CSHS Marching, Pep, Concert, and Jazz Band Director CSMS Band Assistant
Chris McDilda – Phone Number 772-7560 Ext. 30043 (CSMS) [email protected] CSMS Band Director CSHS Marching Band Assistant Director
This is the cornerstone of our program. The majority of teaching fundamentals and performance practices occur in these classes.
Concert Band and Symphonic band were set up originally as Concert band being the lower band, and Symphonic band being the higher level. This setup has changed in the past few years to incorporate students who want to participate but due to scheduling concerns could not enter the correct ensemble. The lines blurred and we witnessed many students decided not to participate either thinking the music was WAY too difficult or much too easy. The remedy was to combine both classes.
We began four years ago by combining both groups for concert performances. Both groups, even though they have different names, work on the same music literature. We practice and prepare in both classes allowing students to enroll without drawback of getting the “wrong” class. We have been successful by challenging the students on multiple levels and seeing growth in not only ensemble performance but individual musicianship as well. It is with the highest attention that the students receive the formal training that was started at the middle school and to foster progress on into college and beyond. The concerts that are provided are a fall concert, a holiday concert, performance for Concert Assessment and lastly, the spring concert and graduation.
As the cornerstone of our Cave Spring program we have students also successfully participating in Roanoke Children’s Choir, Winds of the Blue Ridge, Roanoke Valley Community Band as well as area church and civic organizations.
We have students participating in District and State ensembles and collegiate honor bands from Virginia Tech, Radford, Liberty, VCU, JMU, Roanoke College, and Shenandoah Conservatory.
Jazz Band The Jazz Bands at Cave Spring high school have evolved into dominant performance ensembles. The diversity and artistry students gain from this class gives them access to performing different styles of music from big band to funk to rock and beyond. Students are also able to engage in soloing opportunities that many are eager to experience. The Jazz band classes, yes, classes, are comprised of students in combined ensembles of upperclassmen working with new-comers. This is a wonderful component of our program and can be seen performing many times throughout the school year.
Believed to be our most important contribution to our jazz program is our artist-in-residence opportunities. We bring in guest artists that are some of the top in their field and are considered "educator-musicians.” These individuals bring experience and knowledge to our rehearsals and our students are able to perform along with these outstanding performers as they, the artists’ work with the bands and soloists for their upcoming concert.
Here are some of the artists we have had the pleasure to work with
Guest Soloists with the Cave Spring Jazz bands JStop Latin Soul, Latin Jazz Ensemble, Roanoke, 2023 Jon Metzger, Vibraphone, Elon University,2020 Joseph and Daniel Henson, Saxophone, Liberty University and North Texas State, spring 2019 John D'earth, Trumpet, University of Virginia, 2019 Greg Moody, Saxophone, Staunton, Va., fall 2018 Dr. Chris Magee, Trumpet, University of Lynchburg, spring 2018 Sherrie Maricle, Drummer, DIVA Jazz Ensemble 2018 Chris Vadala, Saxophone, University of Maryland 2017 Dr. Dayl Burnett, Trombone, Radford University, spring 2017 Rick Simerly, Trombone, Milligan College 2016 Brandon Lee, Trumpet, University of North Carolina at Greensboro 2015 Chad Eby, Tenor, University of North Carolina at Greensboro 2014 Jon Metzger, Vibraphone, Elon University 2013 Rick Simerly, Trombone, Milligan College 2012 Radford University Jazz faculty 2011 Keenan McKenzie's Jazz Quintet 2010 Roanoke Jazz Guest Artists 2009 David Wiley and friends, Roanoke Symphony, 2008 Radford University Jazz Ensemble 2007 Old Timers Jazz Ensemble 2006
Marching Band The Cave Spring Marching Band has consistently represented the high school at performances from football games to pep rallies to parades. I am pleased with the enthusiasm and spirit of the band and the way the members bring so much life to events. It makes a huge impact on morale when the band strikes up and the true function of this spirit group brings a dose of “Knight Pride” to all that are in earshot of our group. I would like to thank the parents, friends, and students of the program for their tireless efforts in making the Marching band a superior representation of this fine Cave Spring community.
More people will see the marching band in one season than all the concerts we perform. That is why we want good representation. Please contact me or any student or parent of our program if there are questions or concerns.
Marching Band is an extra-curricular activity. It meets after school on Tuesday thru Thursday for practices and Friday football games. We travel to away games and compete in local and state marching competitions. We represent our community in parades and have been featured in the Roanoke Veteran’s Day parade, in which we have consecutively marched for the past 12 years. Our season begins at the end of July and finishes with the Christmas parade in early December.
Students that are enrolled in Concert or Symphonic Band WITH Marching band will receive 1 ½ credits for their participation
As a member of the Cave Spring High School Band, you are a member of one of the schools largest, most respected and important organizations. As with any fine organization, the success of the program depends on the pride, loyalty, and cooperation of all its members. The Instrumental Music Programs are group activities that demand dependability of the membership. When accepting membership in the Cave Spring High School Band Program you agree to: Report promptly and attend all rehearsals and performances. Practice sufficiently to be able to perform to the best of your ability at each rehearsal and performance. Make a daily commitment to learn and improve as a musician and band member. Consistently conduct yourself in a manner that is honorable to your school, band, and community. Never disgrace the Cave Spring High School Instrumental Music program by smoking, which includes vaping, drinking alcoholic beverages, using profane language, abusing any substance, or possessing illegal drugs during band-related activities, trips, rehearsals, or performances.
ATTENDANCE Band is an academic class. You receive a grade for your work, and credit toward graduation. We also have an extensive “outside of school” performance schedule, and since performance is part of our academic process, student musicians should expect to perform as part of their grade. Each area of interest that you pursue deserves your BEST effort without becoming your EXCLUSIVE effort. We try very hard to accommodate the schedules of our athletes and academic club students. Please check your schedule if you are involved in a sport, non-academic or academic club, and compare all calendars closely. If you accept the responsibility of being a member of a performing group, you accept the responsibility of being present and on time to all performances and rehearsals. Excused absences from performances are granted ONLY by the director and in cases of personal illness or a death in the family.
The Health Form is required for travel to competitions and events. It is important that teachers, sponsors, and chaperones have the Health Form allowing for emergency treatment to eliminate delays. A Copy will be kept at the school and the director will have them with him on all trips. This form will be given to all students who may travel.
Makeup, nail polish, earrings should not be in uniforms. Keep hair up so hats can be worn properly.
Please adhere to these rules as we all try to look the same in all manners visually Preparation:
Check the board daily for announcements, music order, etc.
Begin each class period by assembling your instrument and arranging music.
Warm up properly.
Always have a pencil.
Know your part when the director call on you to play.
Your class begins as you enter the room. Get yourself mentally and physically prepared.
Marching band will be on the field with instruments and any other needed items quickly after the bell rings.
This is a matter of self-discipline, respect, and courtesy.
Stop playing and talking when the director is talking.
Remain silent as director gives instructions.
Room Cleanliness:
Any Food, candy, or beverages need to be thrown away in the instrumental music room.
Leave music stands and chairs orderly.
Football Games:
Home games begin at 7pm. We meet at CSHS for the pre-game meal (optional) and move/pack equipment and get dressed. We will not depart from CSHS until we are ready. We usually arrive at CSHS,
around 6pm. We unload and move equipment to the stands and prepare for the game.
Away games are different. Each away game requires transportation and those distances and travel time have been factored in to our meal time and departure times.
Concerts: 1 hour prior to performance time is appreciated
Strive to be approximately ten (10) minutes early for any rehearsal or performance. This will allow time to make any preparations that are necessary. Be on your best behavior at all times. Cooperate with whoever is in charge of your group. Strive to do your best 100% of the time. Your effort directly affects the efficiency of rehearsals and performances. There is always an exception to almost every rule. Any exceptions should be cleared with a Band Director.
TRI-M (optional) Open to all Cave Spring music students.
Our student leaders are a very important part of the instrumental music program. We can only continue to build on the successes of the past if we continue to have outstanding student leadership. Good leaders look for jobs that need doing; they don’t wait to be asked. Good leaders know that respect comes from peers only when it is earned. The leadership team should strive to always set an example by their behavior. A way to be recognized is by joining TRI-M (Formerly Modern Music Masters). During the fall we will have an interest meeting and within those meeting we will plan on meeting times and needs for the organization. These students help promote and encourage involvement through stewardship and participation.
Drum Majors The drum majors assume leadership roles in all marching performances of the Cave Spring Marching Band. These positions are awarded to the individuals who demonstrate the best ability during the auditions, held in the spring. Drum majors are required to attend a drum major academy each summer.
Your 2022-2023 DRUM MAJORS ARE:
Hailey Lipscomb and Devin Perdue
Section Leaders The section leaders assume leadership roles in their section of the Cave Spring Marching Band. These positions are awarded to the individuals who demonstrate leadership and dedication to the band program. Their responsibilities include but are not limited to scheduling and distributing new music, rotating music parts, and determining students’ interest in performing solo parts.
Color guard Color guard started when someone realized that the combination of military drill (marching) and the use of their flags, and rifles had potential to be an awesome sight. The Cave Spring High School Marching Band has the privilege of having an amazing Color guard. These members are selected by competitive auditions during the spring of each year. The Color guard experience is like no other. It is a visual picture alive with message and meaning. It is a show which can be entertaining and enlightening. The performers use the elements of expression, interpretive phases, and their equipment to tell a story. The Color guard performs with the band at all marching band competitions and home football games. Same rules apply for this ensemble as well.
Scholarships Students that graduate from the Cave Spring High School Instrumental Music program have many college scholarship opportunities. Colleges are always anxious to award scholarships to instrumental music students who have a good fundamental background in music. Students do not need to be music majors in order to take advantage of these scholarships. The hard work each student puts forth will pay off soon! Please inquire at any time concerning the availability of scholarships. I would love to see the students continue in music after high school – PLUS – receive money to attend college!
BAND BOOSTER SCHOLARSHIP The Band Booster have deemed it worthy to award a student or students for their time and talents during their tenure in the Cave Spring band program. The award is $1000 and presented to the recipient’s school in their name. Seniors have an opportunity to apply for this award in the spring of the school year.
MUSIC The Cave Spring High School’s motto for the year is: “WE DO NOT LOSE MUSIC!!!” Music is a major investment for the Band Department. Each concert arrangement used in our ensembles costs from $50 to over $250 to replace. Many publishers no longer print many of the works which we perform due to the high cost of inventory. Some parts cannot be ordered individually, and the entire work may require ordering. When a piece of music is lost, we must replace that piece of music. The cost of an individual part lost or damaged will be charged to the students using that music. Parts must be marked in pencil and music is handed in. Everyone will be assigned a specific part/piece of music. If you do not receive a particular song, it is your responsibility to ask the director for a copy.
INSTRUMENTS Your instrument is your avenue to expression. Instruments must be cared for and maintained. School-owned instruments are serviced annually. General maintenance and up-keep are the responsibility of the student using a school instrument. REPAIRS needed due to improper use or storage of an instrument are the responsibility of the student borrowing the instrument. Personally owned instruments are also expected to be maintained and ready to perform. You are virtually absent from class if you do not have your instrument and may be evaluated as such.
Each of the following individual instruments also need the following:
FLUTES: Soft cloth and cleaning rod CLARINETS AND SAXOPHONES: Soft cloth, swab, 3 good reeds, cork grease, and mouthpiece brush BRASSES: Soft cloth, valve oil / slide oil, mouthpiece brush, snake cleaner, tuning slide grease PERCUSSIONISTS: Snare drum sticks, mallets, and drum key
By the time you reach high school, and possibly before, you probably have improved to the point that your “beginning instrument” is hindering your advancement. You may wish to move up to a more advanced instrument that will last you through high school and possibly into college. Keep your old instrument for marching. Here are a few recommendations for “upgrading” your instruments.
Flutes: Solid silver head joint and/or open-hole flute. Clarinets: Wooden clarinet, Buffet, Yamaha, or LeBlanc. Mouthpieces: Bonade, B-45, Hite “Premier.” Percussionists: You may want to purchase your own stick bag and pairs of snare sticks, brushes, hard and medium mallets.
Before purchasing a new instrument check with the band directors for advice. They may be able to find you an excellent used instrument. Large school-owned instruments are loaned to students throughout the year without charge except for major repairs or repairs due to neglect. A student must fill out a loan agreement which is kept on file in the instrumental music office stating that the student and parents are responsible for repairs or replacement of the instrument. Contact the music directors regarding checking out instruments during the summer.
EVALUATION AND GRADING Members of the Instrumental Music Groups are expected to do THEIR INDIVIDUAL BEST to learn about the music and progress on their respective instruments. Performances are a required part of the educational process. Grades are only a measure of the growth of a student. This means that an “all-state” performer is evaluated on his/her progress. A younger, less experienced musician will be evaluated on his/her progress. Playing tests may occur throughout the semester during rehearsals or prior to performances. Grades may be lowered if any of the above responsibilities are not carried out. Some “outside” rehearsals are kept to a minimum, but your prompt attendance and preparation to rehearse is essential to the success of the class.
Grades per nine weeks will be computed on the following criteria:
Participation 25% Performances (Attendance & Proper Uniform) 25% per Roanoke County grading criteria. Preparation 25% Practice Cards 25% these will be scheduled during the nine weeks. 75 minutes will be needed and practice sheets will be supplied to all members.
LETTERING Letters will be made available for those who quality. This will be up to the student to fill out the appropriate form. These forms will be available for the students in February. Students will discuss criteria for lettering at TRI-M meetings. (unfulfilled 2020)
FUNDRAISING Beginning in August, the Band Boosters will begin holding monthly meetings where a number of Fund Raisers will be discussed. The two major events are the annual fruit sale and the Jazz Café. These two MAJOR events in the band program’s schedule provided a majority of funding for our programs. Your and your student’s help is needed for the success of all fundraisers. Please contact any officer of the Cave Spring Band Boosters or come to our meetings on the third Tuesdays of each month for information about any fundraiser.
COMPETITIONS AND TRIPS (Remember who you are and what you represent!) The marching band will attend several competitions during the fall marching season. When the band travels, we travel together on buses. The school provides transportation to authorized athletic events. Any other transportation is taken from Booster accounts. Normally, the buses used for these trips are athletic buses, which are not air-conditioned. An equipment truck and trailer accompany the entire band also.
All students are expected to travel to and from events with the group.
Parent volunteers are required for these trips. Parents help with the loading, unloading, and distribution of items. Often, this involves morning starts and late nights. Equipment, instruments, and uniforms are loaded prior to departure and a crew of parents is needed to assist staff and students. At the performance site, the instruments must be unloaded and placed in line for each student to pick up his/her instrument. Uniforms and hats are handed out to students at the school. Plumes are handed out right before the performance and all students are fed and given snacks and water as needed. After the performance, everything is loaded back in the truck and trailer. It’s a lot of work but also a lot of fun. If you would like to be a parent volunteer, please attend a booster meeting and sign-up for one or more trips. You’ll be amazed by the performance of our band as well as other bands. The equipment truck must be unloaded and students are expected to assist parents and staff. Students are responsible for having their instrument in the correct loading area to ensure their instrument is not left behind.
BUS RULES Screaming, loud talking, and other disruptive sounds will not be tolerated. Do not stick your hands or head out the window. Do not throw anything out the window. Personal music devices will be allowed with headphones. If you take one you assume the risk for any damage or loss.
TRIP RULES Students are responsible for their conduct on all trips. Parent volunteers are always assigned to students
AUDITIONING FOR DISTRICT AND STATE BAND Students are encouraged to audition for the district band and state band. Music comes out in November and any help that is needed should be requested so proper preparation can be achieved. Every freshman through senior should consider auditioning for the District Band!
PERFORMANCES Overall performance standards of “striving for excellence” are the most important indicators of progress. Each student is EXPECTED to work individually on his/her music to prepare the music for class. Class time is REHEARSAL time and NOT PRACTICE time. If instruments are not taken home, that may be a strong indication that the student is not practicing. (Preparation grade) Each and every member of the ensemble is equally important to the success of the other members of the ensemble.
CONCERT APPAREL INFORMATION Concert attire is as follows:
Ladies Black and White top or blouse (Black knee length dress or skirt or long dress pants are appropriate) Proper Black Dress Shoes
Gentlemen Black Dress pants (ala Tux pants) White Tux Shirt Bow Tie Black Dress Shoes
Gentlemen should wear a plain white T-Shirt under their tux shirt for performances. No colors or logos on t-shirts are allowed; they can be seen through the white shirt.
Jazz Bands All Black: Shirts, pants, socks and shoes.
In Roanoke, we are very fortunate to have several venues in which students can audition for and gain added experience in performing. A few of the organizations are listed below.