Uniform Assignment: Each member of the marching band is custom fitted for a marching uniform. The measuring and fitting of a uniform is a two step process. Prior to Band Camp you will have to sign up for a time to come to be measured. A hat is also assigned to the marching uniform.
Uniform Care: Each student is responsible for the general condition of the uniform. Each uniform cost approximately $500 to replace. We expect our students to wear their uniform with pride and respect. Please report missing buttons, zipper repairs, stains and other problems to a member of the uniform committee as soon as you notice it. We can usually repair things quickly when notified.
Makeup, nail polish, and earrings should not be worn in uniform. Keep hair up so hats can be worn properly.
Please adhere to these rules as we all try to look the same in all manners visually.
Each uniform is hung on a numbered hanger and identified by the student by this number. Each time the uniform is worn the student is responsible for correctly re-hanging the uniform on the correct hanger and turning it into the closet helpers. We will explain how this is done properly. Uniforms are stored at the school at all times. Students come early to dress at the school. During the marching season, students wear a pair of athletic shorts under their uniform with their band T-shirt so they can dress in a community space.
Uniforms may be cleaned at 2 to 3 times a year, paid for with the Uniform Cleaning fee of $21.00 per student.
Casual Uniform for Marching Band: Each marching band member will need a pair of jeans for games. You will be given a band T-shirt at Band Camp to wear so we can look uniform - mainly away games. More information will be given out as we progress into the season.
Flag Corp Uniforms: These are owned by the guard members and will need to take proper care of them for the season. Shoes and any accessories will be supplemental but necessary for our performances.
Required Accessories: The marching student will need AT LEAST TWO PAIRS of long/calf length black socks and black cotton marching gloves for marching season.
Black Gloves(click here for gloves needed) Here is a photo of the cotton gloves required. Black gloves can be purchased at local music stores or online. We encourage you to purchase at least 2 pairs of gloves and black socks as well.
Band Shoes: (click here for Shoes needed) Here is a photo and the Style Plus website. If you want to travel to Star City, you can try them on before you purchase - please take socks!
Shoes may also be ordered by either going online or contacting Star City music. Each student is required to purchase marching band shoes; they run about $39. Students are expected to keep up with their own band shoes. It is recommended that shoes are taken home after each performance and brought to school when needed. Wash mud and dirt off of your shoes promptly.